Nytt från Breaking Dawn Part 2!
MTV: Have you made any more decisions about the soundtrack? You have so many musicians in that cast.
Condon: Oh yeah, that’s interesting. I don’t know if I’m allowed to talk about it yet but we’ve just now finally firmed it up so that’s exciting.
MTV: How about the running time? Is that official yet?
Condon: Yeah. The running time is one hour and 56 minutes, one minute shorter than the first one and as such, I think the shortest of all of them.
MTV: We talked about the biggest and busiest day, what about the most quiet, emotional moment?
Condon: There are a lot of those, I would say. … I don’t want to talk about one scene because that’s a surprise but you know what, the scene when Charlie meets vampire Bella for the first time and then meets Renesmee. This is a movie that really only has one fully human person, if you treat Taylor [Lautner] as a magical creature, so Charlie is our way into this whole thing. If Charlie can believe it and understand, I think the rest of the audience can too. Of course, Billy Burke is such an incredible actor who can really humanize any moment, so watching him and Kristen together in that scene, I remember everything was a total pleasure in that.
Såhär står det på sidan
Boka in den 13 november – då är det dags för TWINIGHT!
Under TWINIGHT visar vi de två avslutande delarna av Twilight-sagan i följd och har världspremiär av sista delen Breaking Dawn, del 2.
TWINIGHT äger rum den 13 november i alla städer där SF Bio har biografer. Evenemanget startar ca 21.00 på kvällen och strax efter midnatt är det dags för den första visningen och världspremiären av Breaking Dawn, del 2.
Biljetterna till TWINIGHT släpps på sf.se och SF Bios biografer för Bioklubbens medlemmar den 10 oktober (ordinarie biljettsläpp 12 oktober). Biljettpris 195 kr. Åldersgräns 15 år.
Twinight kommer att arrangeras på biografer i samtliga SF Bios städer: Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö, Gävle, Helsingborg, Jönköping, Karlstad, Linköping, Luleå, Lund, Norrköping, Sundsvall, Umeå, Uppsala, Västerås, Växjö och Örebro.
Breaking Dawn, del 2 har världspremiär den 14 november.
Exklusivt Twilight-Maraton
Den 13 november arrangerar vi, utöver TWINIGHT, ett exklusivt TWILIGHT-MARATON på biograf Park i Stockholm. Det är ett unikt tillfälle att för sista gången se samtliga filmer i The Twilight Saga i en följd på bio.
TWILIGHT-MARATON startar under eftermiddagen och avslutas med den sista filmen Breaking Dawn, del 2 som börjar runt midnatt. Biljetterna släpps till Bioklubbens medlemmar den 10 oktober (ordinarie biljettsläpp 12 oktober). Biljettpris 295 kr. Åldersgräns 15 år.
Biljetterna släpps till Bioklubbens medlemmar den 10 oktober (ordinarie biljettsläpp 12 oktober). Biljettpris 295 kr. Åldersgräns 15 år.
Åldersgränsen är 15 :(
// Prietha
Källorna är olika twi sidor
Twifans,teamtwilight och twilight swedens facebook sida
även fler...
Intervju med David och Rob
Q. You both have said that you filmed this movie in chronological order, and I know that with many movies, the last scenes are shot first. Was that a luxury — to film from start to finish?
Cronenberg: One of the trickiest things that I had to learn as a director was exactly that. I mean, suddenly you’re forced to shoot the last scene of the movie first. And it’s hard for the actors because they don’t know who they are yet and they’re doing their death scene. As an actor myself, I was in Clive Barker’s movie “Nightbreed,” and the first thing we shoot was my character getting killed. And I said a typical actor thing. I said, “How can I know how to die when I haven’t lived yet?” So it is kind of a luxury. I think Rob can talk about that.
Pattinson: I agree. (Laughs) I don’t think I can add to that.
Q. You have both been very candid in interviews about the fact that you didn’t necessarily know how this novel would translate to film and what it meant to you. Do you have a different interpretation of the text now that you’re finished with the film?
Pattinson: Well, I like it. I don’t think that confusion is necessarily a bad thing. We’ve done hundreds of interviews now and I still find myself coming up with new things to say.
Cronenberg: Those statements that we made, which were very candid, can be misinterpreted as meaning we were inept, incompetent. But not at all. You know, I don’t do storyboards, for example. I don’t really know what I’m going to do at every set up and every shot. It’s all very spontaneous and of-the-moment, even what lens to use. That’s what we’re talking about. We don’t have it all mapped out. We’re trusting the script and trusting the dialogue that is all 100 percent Don DeLillo’s and taken from the novel directly. We know that if we respond directly to that . . . the movie will have its coherence.
Q. You just rang the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange. What was that like? And what do you think the people there would think of this movie if they saw it?
Cronenberg: All through the halls of the stock exchange they have these monitors built into the walls, and they were all showing clips of “Cosmopolis.” All of the people there who were marshaling us were incredibly excited about the movie and really wanted to see it. And they were incredibly friendly and sweet, and I was suddenly thinking, “This is the wonderful, friendly face of capitalism. I don’t know why I’ve been fighting it for so long. I think I’m going to buy some stock.” [Pattinson laughs.] And the stock exchange is about marketing. To link the starting of the day with some product that’s being marketed was a no-brainer. And the fact that it might be rather ironic that we were opening the stock exchange; I don’t think it occurred to them.
Q. Mr. Pattinson, what did you think of the visit?
Pattinson: I’m so clueless about anything to do with that world. I was kind of just terrified that I was somehow going to mess it up. And also to see people’s enthusiasm. It’s so alien. Even people’s attitudes there. It seems so alien to me. I mean, I’ve met traders before, but in their own environment — everyone’s extremely happy, which is not what I expected. It doesn’t seem stressful at all. They were all excited about seeing who was going to ring the bell this morning. They had the American gymnastics team closing it that day. It looks like a really fun place to work.
Q. You guys seem like you like each other a lot. You seem so close during this publicity tour. I was thinking, when I looked at pictures from the stock exchange visit, that you actually look like relatives.
[Cronenberg and Pattinson laugh.]
Cronenberg: We get along pretty well and we were kind of wearing the same suit. They were Gucci suits that were connected with the movie — the character wears them — and so, we were Tweedledum and Tweedledee at that point.
Q. Mr. Cronenberg, where do you most enjoy promoting your films? You don’t have to say America.
Cronenberg: I have a huge enthusiastic fan base in France. My first films were horror films and genre films, and in France they never had any prejudice against them, whereas in North America, in the old days when I started especially, there was prejudice against them. They weren’t taken seriously as good cinema. So I suppose I feel more comfortable, weirdly enough, in France releasing a film. The level of discourse there is very intelligent, very intellectual, sometimes humorously so, but I like playing that game there.
Q. Mr. Pattinson, how have you taken to the Cronenberg fan base? I imagine that it’s strange to see “Twilight” fans with people who love David Cronenberg movies.
Pattinson: Absolutely. We were in London and we did a Q&A and it was two very diverse groups of people who suddenly came into contact with each other for I think probably the first time. And, I don’t know . . . David’s horror film fans . . . and general “Twilight” female fans . . . are actually quite a good pairing. I think both of them didn’t see anything in each other first of all, but they’re quite a good, odd couple. When you see a bearded guy with long hair, who absolutely will weep [for Cronenberg] . . . and then a “Twilight” fan who will weep at that, they actually look like a couple.
Q. Mr. Pattinson, I have to ask, in reference to all of the talk show hosts who are asking you personal questions right now: I’m always fascinated by the ability of celebrities to just disappear during a controversy. How do you do that? Is there a tunneling system? Where do you go to hide when you’re so watched?
Pattinson: There is a netherworld where celebrities go. They’re the only ones that have access to it. A mysterious little network of boroughs. (Giggles.)
Ta igen allt om Cosmopolis!
Master Post 1 - More than 250 HQ pictures + MQ pictures, fan pictures and videos
Master Post 2 - More than 290 HQ pictures from the premiere + new videos
Master Post 3 - More than 160 New HQs and video
Interviews from the Premiere
E!Online - What would Rob say to his fans outside the premiere? NEW: Added more from his interview - talks about what atracts him on scripts
Extra TV - Rob talks about his fans and walks away at the end of the interview
ET Online - Rob talks about filming in the limo and working with Cronenberg
Zoominuk - Rob talks about working with Cronenberg
Associated Press - Rob talks about sex scenes
Reuters - Rob talks about the fans supporting Cosmopolis
Various media outlets - ShainaTV video - Rob talks about New York and Cosmopolis
MTV - Cute interview, Rob talks about the pressure is all on David "It's his movie"
Access Hollywood - Rob talks about Cosmopolis and the fans' support
Cosmopolis NYC Junket
NEW The Playlist - Rob talks about The Rover and Mission: Blacklist
NEW LA Times - Rob and Cronenberg talk about Cosmopolis, tabloids, fame, money, the media culture, Twilight, and paparazzi.
Associated Press - Rob and David talk about Cosmopolis, reading reviews and how they deal with money.
Next Movie - Rob and David discuss Cosmopolis, reactions to the movie and more
Cosmopolis Facebook - Rob and David answer facebook fan questions
Moviefone - Rob and Cronenberg talk about Cosmopolis, having his hair cut for the movie, NYSE and more.
TIME - Rob and Cronenberg talk about Cosmopolis (hilarious convo about the sex scenes and prostate exam), Map to the Stars, Mission Blacklist and The Rover
Showbiz Tonight - Preview - Preview of the interview. Interviewer asks if Rob is okay.
First Picture of Rob and Cronenberg from the Cosmopolis NYC Junket - Picture of Rob and Cronenberg's interview with Showbiz Tonight
Rob and Cronenberg Ring the Opening Bell at NYSE
Rob and David Cronenberg ringing the opening bell at NYSE - HQ pictures, fan pictures and video
New Pictures of Rob Leaving NYSE and Heading to the Cosmopolis Junket and Video - Smiley Rob leaving the NYSE and heading to the press junket
Cosmopolis Times Talks Q&A
Cosmopolis Times Talks Q&A with Rob and Cronenberg - Video of the full Q&A, HQ pictures, fan pictures and screencaps NEW: Added more pictures of Rob arriving at the Q&A at the top of the post
MTV First: Robert Pattinson
NEW MTV First: Robert Pattinson - Videos of the full interview and pictures. Rob talks Cosmopolis, The Rover, Mission: Blacklist, Breaking Dawn - Part 2, writing music and a lot more UPDATED: Added 2 more portraits (scroll to "Pictures"
TV Appearences
Good Morning America - HD video, HQ pictures, fan pictures and HD screencaps of Rob's interview on GMA. NEW: Added 10 more HQ pictures of Rob arriving at ABC studios
HQ Stills of Rob on Good Morning America - HQ stills from Rob's interview
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - HD video and screencaps of Rob's interview with Jon Stewart
People talking about Rob
NEW Gilt - Denise Cronenberg talks about Rob's style in 'Cosmopolis' and off-camera
E!Online - Sarah Gadon, David Cronenberg and Paul Giamatti talk about Rob
Movie Bytes - Cronenberg and Rob co-stars talk about him
ET Online - Paul Giamatti, Cronenberg, Sarah Gadon and Emily Hampshire talk about Rob
ZoominUK - Cronenberg and Sarah talk about working with Rob
Paul Giamatti talks about Rob with GMA - Paul talks about not knowing who Rob was + New Cosmopolis clip
Paul Giamatti talks about Rob with Access Hollywood - Paul talks about Rob - says he's great
NEW Rob in NYC on August 16 - Pictures of Rob in NYC on August 16 with Bobby Long.
HQ Stills of Rob on Good Morning America - HQ stills from Rob's interview
Rob in NYC on August 14 - Pictures and Video of Rob in NYC during Cosmopolis Junket
Rob in NYC on August 14 - Night - Rob in NYC after a day of Cosmopolis Junket NEW: Added 8 more pictures at the top - Rob with Bobby Long and video
Times Talks Q&A med Rob och David
MTV First: Intervjuar Robert
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KällaRob gästar "Goodmorning America"
Hela intervjun på The Daily show med Robert Pattinson
Edward och Bella på omslaget av Entertanment Weekley
Rob gästar "The Daily show" den 13 augusti
Rob kommer att vara på "Good Morning America" den 15 augusti
"A Drink with chicago" intervju med Nikki Reed
After spending so much time filming “The Twilight Saga” films, do you ever find yourself channeling your character Rosalie in real life?
The only time where that does happen is when we’re all sort of together in a group setting and when people start picking on Rosalie. I feel really defensive of her … I always wondered why people have always sort of talked about who’s friends with who and who has friction with who and then I realized it’s because that is what our characters are doing, you know what I mean? They don’t even know they are doing it but they assume it’s the same dynamic. It’s just kind of bizarre but it’s actually really fascinating.
You always hear stories of what it’s like as a ‘struggling actor’, so what’d you do with your first “Twilight” paycheck? Did you feel a little bit like, ‘I’ve made it!’?
I’ve always been a struggling actress and trust me I am fully aware that after “Twilight”, I’m so aware how fast this is going to go away. You know, I just don’t take any of it for granted. One small chunk of money isn’t going to last you a lifetime. I’ve tried to be smart with my money so the first thing I did was I invested in income property. Then, I did buy a home and I bought my mom a home. My dad was like, ‘At the end of the day, if you have nowhere to live because you’re super poor, if you have invested in some income property you might be okay.’ [Laughs] So that’s what I’ve done.
Last year you married Paul McDonald, who many people know from “American Idol”. How’s newlywed life so far?
As you can see Paul is here and it goes both ways, by the way. People think that he just travels with me wherever I go but they don’t realize that when he was on tour I went to 33 cities out of 50 when he was performing. So it really goes both ways and I think it’s important to make the other person your number one priority.
How did you know he was the one?
I just knew! [Smiles]
So it was love at first sight?
Yeah! Well, I didn’t know the second I met him but I knew within a couple days for sure. My mom is kind of a hopeless romantic and even though her and my father divorced when I was two she totally believes—because of her grandparents and parents—that when you marry, it stays strong forever. So she always hated that I would say I’m never getting married or that I’m never going to have kids. [Laughs] I’m sure some of it came from my upbringing and seeing my own parents get divorced and my anger about it but as soon as I met Paul I said, ‘I think I’m going to marry him’ and she was like, ‘What!? Has he asked you!?’ and I said, ‘No, but I just think I am.’ [Laughs]
What’s your one guilty pleasure?
Oh God, horrible TV! And it’s a new one. I didn’t grow up with a TV so I didn’t grow up watching cartoons, let alone trash. Paul and I have really got into “Dance Moms”. The other day Paul was out and he saw one of the dance moms without me and he had to call me about it and confess. [Laughs]
Being a celeb yourself, do you ever read any of the celebrity tabloids?
I used to have a rule that I would only do it if I was at the airport because it’s like, ‘Well, I’m here and I have 40 minutes before my flight so I’ll just stand at the kiosk and read’. Now I’m at the airport seven days a week, I’m always there! [Laughs] So I don’t think that’s a good excuse anymore; I’ve tried to slow down actually because the more cognizant you are about what is actually going on in the celebrity world the more it’s not really entertaining anymore because you flip through and say, ‘I know that’s not happening! And that’s not true!’
We’re very active. I quit smoking three years ago on July 5th and it’s something I’ve been extremely vocal about because I feel like it was my greatest accomplishment. I was a really heavy smoker my whole life since I was 12-years-old. I wasn’t active at all because of it. I was a gymnast when I was much younger but I spent most of my years, when you’re supposed to be really active and doing stuff, not active at all. I didn’t realize it until I was older but it really did affect my whole physique, so the last three years I’ve been incredibly active. Paul and I switch it up but we do it all together. We hike with our dogs, we do pilates, we do SoulCycle… I try to cook for both of us and when I can’t cook my mom actually cooks because she lives in our guest house, so I believe strongly in homemade food.
Do you have a favorite meal you like to make?
Last night, before we came here, I cooked brown rice and lentils and I sautéed onions and put in soy sauce and some bell peppers and shredded carrots… My mom and I were attempting to cook a lentil loaf and that didn’t happen so it became a stir-fry. [Laughs]
When you’re out like tonight at Studio Paris for the Samsung Mobile USA Galaxy S III Customer Appreciation Event, what’s your cocktail of choice?
I’m not really a drinker. If I do have something I’ll have a sip or two of beer. It’s weird because I’ve played so many very promiscuous party animal characters and people, once again, really do subconsciously connect you with that because you do it in movies. So I hadn’t really spoken that much about it but I started to recently because I got a little frustrated. I’ve never been a drinker my whole life.
If you could have a drink with anyone who would it be?
Just in light of what just happened I would say Nora Ephron. So many of the women I know, that are still here, that I really look up to and that I really connect with have had such a strong connection with that woman. I just feel like at a certain point in life that would have been such an honor [to connect with her] and something that probably—well, who knows but—could have happened. She’s mentored a lot of women that have mentored me.
// Prietha
Intervju med Mackenzie Foy
Mackenzie Foy Fansite Interview
July 12 2012. Hard Rock Hotel, San Diego, California
Q: I’d really like to know what you learned about acting from the other cast members that you got to work with?
M: Well, I learned the most by watching them because they would be themselves and then they would become the character that they become.
Q: Is there one thing that you learned by watching one person in particular, that you took in and thought “I want to be able to do that”?
M: There’s some cool stunts that everyone did, there’s a couple of flips and I thought that was very cool.
Q: Now do you want to do gymnastics?
M: (Laughs) No…
Q: You mentioned stunts in the panel… That you got to ride on the back of the ‘wolf Jacob’. Was that a stunt? Were you on a harness or something?
M: I was on a harness… It was really cool.
Q: You can’t tell us anything more? M: No! Q: They’ve got you trained!
M: (Laughs)
Q: Now, on the press conference you mentioned the swear jar… Who was the biggest offender?
M: Like I said, I don’t want anybody else to get in trouble! (laughs)
Q: Is there anybody who didn’t have to put any quarters in the swear jar?
M: Um… Stephenie (Meyer), Taylor (Lautner), Noel (Fisher), Dr. Guri (Weinberg), and there were some other people like Miss Tracey (Heggins), Miss Judi (Shekoni). Most of the Cullen guys. They didn’t say any swear words. Oh! And Miss Ashley (Greene). She didn’t say any.
Q: So, how much about Twilight did you know before you were cast for the part?
M: I knew about the first movie and the second movie.
Q: So you didn’t know they had a vampire hybrid baby?
M: I did kind of know because my friends would talk about it at Tae Kwon Do, and they would talk about the books and stuff to me.
Q: Have you since then read any of the books?
M: No, I’m not allowed to read them yet.
Q: So how did your friends respond to you being cast for the part?
M: I was really, really, really excited.
Q: And what about your friends?
M: They were really excited too, they were really sweet and very supportive.
Q: How did you enjoy meeting the fans last night outside in the line?
M: I was happy because they were all really excited to see me and my friends. When I’d take a picture with somebody and sign an autograph they’d be really excited and that makes me really happy.
Q: Is there anything from the set, outfits or mementos that you got to take home or wanted to take home?
M: I got to keep a clip for my hair. It had a pretty little dragonfly on it and I got to keep it.
Q: Did they just use your hair or did they use some enhancements on your hair?
M: I had like half a wig, and it was shaped around my head and that way I could have super long curly hair. And they would have my hair over it (gestures to top layer of hair) and they would curl it and stuff.
Q: How long did it take you to get into your make up and hair?
M: About, like, 20 minutes or something? Q: You had it easy! M: (Laughs).
Q: Since you’re not allowed to read the books, were you allowed to watched the first Twilight movie?
M: I did. I watched the first and the second one, and I saw bits and pieces of Part 1.
Q: You were not allowed to watch the honeymoon, right?
M: No!
Q: You have good parents! You have very good parents!
M: I got to watch the wedding, and I sat through the birth scene.
Q: So what was your favorite part in the movies that you’ve seen?
M: I think they’re all really good. I like in the first one, how… I just like the first one. And I like the second one too, and all the parts I saw of Part 1.
Q: Did you like the wedding scene?
M: I thought it was really, really good.
Q: What was your first time meeting, Taylor, Kristen and Rob like?
M: Well I met Kristen and Rob in the hair and make up trailer, and I think the first time I met Taylor was… in the first scene actually.
Q: Really? And you didn’t meet him before?
M: I don’t think I did! (long pause…)
Q: Was that awkward?
M: (laughs) No…
Q: Was he just like a big brother?
M: He was like a good friend.
Q: Did you have to go through any CGI work on the computer and make really cool stuff happen?
M: I did. I had to get a face scan, a body scan, and then I would have to sit on this chair that was like, surrounded by lights and cameras, and I had to sit and couldn’t move my head. I had to make facial expressions, and move my body without moving my head.
Q: Was Bill Condon there? Did he direct you?
M: He was there for most… I think he missed two? Because he was busy with other stuff.
Q: Did you like Bill?
M: I did, he was really sweet.
Q: Were there any interesting conversations that you had with Stephenie about the character?
M: No.
Q: Are you hoping for Renesmee to get her own spin off?
M: That would be fun!
Q: Would you be up for it?
M: Totally!
Q: How do you feel about the name Renesmee and the nickname Nessie?
M: I like it. I think it’s a really cool name because it’s like Renee and Esme. And I like the character that I play and that they call her Nessie, I think it’s cute.
Q: Did you get a chance to interact with the other actors who play the Cullens?
M: I did! With Miss Nikki we had American Idol night, and I played football with Taylor, I’m not very good at it (laughs).
Q: When you wrapped up did they show up for your last scene?
M: Yeah, it was just me and Kristen.
Q: You were the final two?
M: Yes.
Q: But the rest of the crew probably showed up right? “That’s a wrap on Mackenzie”!
M: The crew was there and the visual effects guy and all that stuff, because it had to do with the wolves. All the other cast, they weren’t wrapped yet, they just had the day off so it was just me and Kristen. It was nice.
Q: Did you have to act younger than you are now?
M: Um, I did. But it was like a body double, that way I have different bodies (in the movie) and they would have to put my face on their bodies. It’s kinda cool.
Q: If you came to Comic-Con, and not as a part of Twilight, what would you dress up as?
M: A traffic cone.
Q: Do you think you’re going to enjoy any of Comic-Con after today’s over?
M: I don’t know. But my dad is checking it out right now. I’m like “There’s an incredible Hulk t-shirt, you should get me one!”
Q: Have you had any encounters where you’ve been spotted outside of events like these, where someone has recognized you?
M: Yes, I got noticed at the mall once.
Q: And did you have to take a picture or sign an autograph?
M: I took a picture with her.
Q: While they were filming, they filmed both movies at the same time, did you ever have one of the cast members come and be confused about shooting a film or a part for part 1 or part 2, was that confusing for anybody?
M: No, because we had two different films but we shot them simultaneously. So you get a mini-script where you get the scenes for the day, and it says if it’s for part 1 or part 2, and what the scene is.
Q: Right, and you didn’t have to worry too much about it because you were only on part two.
M: (laughs).
Q: Who was the biggest prankster on set? Or the biggest jokester?
M: Rob was pretty funny. He had some pretty funny jokes.
Q: He made you laugh a lot?
M: Yes. And Mr. Guri, he was really funny too.
Q: He is very funny.
M: He was, like, “Don’t call me Mr. Guri!” and then I said “Ok, Dr. Guri”. and now I call him Dr Guri.
Q: What’s your favorite part of being Renesmee?
M: I like all of it. It was my first movie character, and she’s a really good character to play because there’s just so many things involved in the character.
Q: Do you have new things coming out?
M: I do. I have a new film coming out called The Warren Files, and a new independent film called Plastic Jesus.
Q: I have to ask, do you like cats or dogs better?
M: I love dogs and cats, because I have two dogs and one cat.
Q: Well, that is probably better for Jacob in the long run.
M: (Laughs). I like dogs, they’re really cute. And I love kittens, they’re so soft.
Q: They were talking about how you lost a tooth during the filming?
M: I lost like five.
Q: So did you have like one of those bridges in?
M: I think I had like four flippers. And I lost a molar, but it was ok with that one.
Q: And now you have all your teeth.
M: Yes, I do. I have all my big girl teeth. I am growing new molars in the back.
Q: So did you have to go to the dentist and get the flippers set several different times?
M: I had to go to the flipper Doctor. I usually go to one here, well not here-here but in LA. Dr. Smith, he’s the flipper Doctor. And I had another flipper Doctor in Vancouver.
Q: Did you film primarily just in Vancouver, or were you able to go to New Orleans also?
M: We had to shoot some of it in North Carolina, not North Carolina, Louisiana (laughs) and then we did in Vancouver.
Q: Awesome. Did you get to visit any cool places on your days off?
M: I did. We went to like this swampy kind of thing? (laughs). And we went to Cafe Du Monde.
Q: And are you looking forward to being part of the movie promo worldwide? And is there a country that you would like to visit?
M: I would like to visit China, I would like to visit London and Italy. I like Italy.
Q: Do you think you’ll get to go on something like The Tonight Show or David Letterman?
M: I don’t know!
Q: Have you thought about that?
M: I haven’t! (nervously).
Q: Oh, no, now I scared her! She’s going to panic, oh, no! Would you like to do something like that?
M: It would be fun! I’d like to go on The Ellen Show.
Q: You can show Ellen some of your Tae Kwon Do. That would be a great episode.
M: Yes!
Twifans är källan
Intervju med Peter, Nikki och Elizabeth
Q: How difficult was it for you, as your characters, to work with Kristen as a vampire, as opposed to working with her as a human being?
Elizabeth Reaser: I mean, I think it was a lot of fun. There's a scene where she almost kills Taylor. And I believed in the moment that she was strong enough. She really was so committed, whether she was a vampire, vampire Bella, which is completely different, and she was scary, she was a real force.
Peter Facinelli: It's like a whole different person. It was kinda cool. She's grown to be so mature, and confident and strong. Really, it was like dealing with a different person altogether. Like, Bella is usually weak and frail. Not weak. But frail as far, you know, a vampire looking at her, and we always felt the need to protect her, and I didn't feel the need to do that. I felt like this was a woman who could hold her own.
Elizabeth: She could kill us.
Peter: She was stronger than us.
Q: But then was it weird for you? Because one day she would be vampire Bella, and then the next day she'd be back to being human Bella. Because you were filming both films simultaneously? Was that odd?
Nikki Reed: Yeah, and not just human Bella; like human Bella falling...
Elizabeth: apart? (everyone laughs)
Q: And then the next day she was beautiful vampire Bella...
Nikki: That was bizarre.
Elizabeth: Yeah it was weird to see her disfigured like that because it looked so real. It came out great.
Nikki: The last one, Part 1 and 2, that was the only time when my character and Bella actually wanted to interact and have some friendliness and a smile here and there...
TwiSite Comment: Fighting for the same cause.
Nikki: Exactly. The dynamic was very different.
Q: Nikki, you made reference earlier in the panel that you've kind of grown up together on the set, and we asked Mackenzie this, and I thought it would be fun to ask you, especially with Peter and Elizabeth sitting here. What did you learn growing up (on set) from the other actors that you worked with? I feel like this is something where you benefit from each other, I'm sure.
Nikki: Um, I think it would be impossible to go through every single one (actor) and come with the most genuine answer because there's so many people, and certainly from working with these guys sitting next to me, and say, Billy Burke, and Michael Sheen. You guys (gestures to Peter and Elizabeth) have a body of work that I really admire. I mean, I remember seeing (Elizabeth's) Sweet Land and saying "I can't believe she wasn't nominated for an Oscar!" So I think getting to work with people like that, you really try to absorb something from it. I look up to these guys, and they also have a great work ethic as well. I think it's really important when there's a bunch of us working together to have one person who makes sure that nobody falls off the train, you know what I mean? And keep it together and actually keep each other in line too. It's been a journey. I mean, it's been four and a half years, and we've all grown a lot. It's so sad.
Q: And to flip it, is there something that Elizabeth and Peter learned from the younger cast members?
Nikki: I taught her (Elizabeth) how to cook.
Elizabeth: That's true! I never cooked before in my life, and now I actually make rice and some vegetables.
Nikki: She cooked meals for me.
(Elizabeth shakes her head)
Nikki: You did!
Elizabeth: I was not at the level that you were at, but just even that I would go to the store and buy vegetables and actually bring them home and cook them. None of that ever happened until I met Nikki Reed. But truthfully though, in terms of the work I feel like I was stealing from everyone. I mean, I think Nikki has a commitment when she's in a scene, and she brings such an energy into the scene, it is unlike anyone else onscreen. And it's something that is so specific to her. What she did with Rosalie and her creativity, and the way she thinks about the scene and her character, she puts a lot of work into it. And as far as... I'm thinking of the people sitting here, with Peter I'm always listening to the way he talks about these characters, and sort of like stealing his theories, because, again, he's someone who I really admire, and being in a scene with him, you really can't half-ass this, you really have to show up and you do the best job that you can, especially because, like Nikki said, we are a team. And you cannot let your team down.
Peter: I think that age doesn't really matter to me, when you're working with people that are talented you get inspired. Whether they were younger or older, you do look to the people that you work with and they inspire you in different ways. I totally was inspired by the people in this room, and with the other actors that I work with.
Q: So to take it one step further, have you learned anything from your character that surprised you?
Peter: I always say I put a little bit of myself in every character, but I also take a little bit from the
character and I walk away with it after I play it. With Carlisle, I think he taught me a lot of patience.
Elizabeth: That is his superpower.
Peter: No. It's compassion.
TwiSite Comment: Compassion! There you go.
Peter: That's (patience) his secondary superpower.
TwiSite Comment:Peter is schooling us in Twilight today...
Peter: He has a lot of patience. He has a lot of wisdom, and he thinks things through and I've always admired that in him, and even with my own kids, because Carlisle to me is like the perfect father figure. I always looked at him with my kids, and I learned patience with him.
Q: To the fans, your hair from movie to movie to movie, everyone is always really excited to see the changes, and sometimes not so excited to see the changes.
Peter: Why did you look at me? (laughs)
TwiSite Comment: You know the moments the fans get the promo head shots were like "Oh!" Is there a certain movie that made you think "Wow, I look hot!"?
Nikki: No.
(everyone laughs)
Nikki: I had some real moments with Peter about this. I was like, "Just be honest".
Peter: I think you looked good in Eclipse.
Nikki: You did?
Peter: I did.
Nikki: Thanks.
Elizabeth: Yeah, I think that was my favorite wig.
TwiSite Comment: That was the best, when you got to dye. That looked great.
Nikki: I wanted to go with that one and someone else came in and said, “No.” I was a little disappointed, but you always put your faith into the other creative directors there and you believe that they are going to do what’s best. It is really bizarre… I don't know about you guys (to Peter and Elizabeth) but my process as an actor is that I try not to obsess over what I'm going to look like, I mean I do(laughs) but it's not the focal point, you know? That was such a priority I feel like for a lot of us in these movies, it was like "What do we look like?" It’s not always what we should look like or what we think we can look like.
Elizabeth: My approach was to always try to simply it. Less of everything – less hair, less make-up, less lashes, less artifice as much as possible. But it was tricky because I had a wig, then I had to dyed hair, then I had brown hair, then I had really dark hair, then I had some highlights…I still don't know what my hair was supposed to be. I would love to hear what Stephenie Meyer thinks about that. But that's the weird thing about movies, you know? Sometimes it just gets out of control. There's so many people!
Nikki: So many people!
Elizabeth: And the next thing you know...you got a thing on your head.
Peter: It's not your job as an actor... (makes weird hand gestures around his head). There's a hair person - that is their job (everyone laughs). My job is to bring the character to life; their job is to watch out for your hair. So you're in constant battles with that person, because you're, like, "I wanna look good". They're trying to make you look a certain way, and I'm like... at a certain point you have to be like, "Ok, that's their job and you have to let them do their job". There were times when I looked in the mirror and I looked like a cross between a 'Ken doll' and Ronald McDonald.
Nikki: Is that because of what I said that time?
Peter: You might've put that in my mind.
Nikki: But you know what? I think it's fair to say that we switched department heads for hair and make-up for every single film. Which is a really hard thing to do to actors because every time we came in we had a new person with a new vision.
Peter: A new person we had to trust.
Elizabeth: And they had a lot of challenges.
Nikki: Yeah.
Peter:... and they wanted to always fix the one before, you know, or put a new stamp on what they were doing.
Q: Do you have a personal favorite?
Peter: I like the hair in Twilight because that was my hair and I dyed it. If I had to choose wigs, which was 2, 3, 4, 5...
TwiSite Comment: Not 4 or 5 (everyone laughs)
Peter: There were moments in 4 and 5...
TwiSite Comment: What moments? (everyone laughs)
Nikki: This is a sensitive subject for Peter and I because we're the ones that sit down in front of people and had people go like, "God, you guys actually are really good looking!" That's what people say the most about us.
Peter: In Eclipse it wasn't so bad, I mean it was a little short but if I had to pick I guess I would go with Eclipse. I would go with Twilight.
Do you agree with Peter on his best hair? Are you dying to cook with Nikki Reed after reading this interview? Let us know what you would have asked Peter, Nikki, and Elizabethin the comments!
Tomorrow we have our Jackson, Ashley, and Kellan interview to post! Stay tuned...
Q: How difficult was it for you, as your characters, to work with Kristen as a vampire, as opposed to working with her as a human being?
Elizabeth Reaser: I mean, I think it was a lot of fun. There's a scene where she almost kills Taylor. And I believed in the moment that she was strong enough. She really was so committed, whether she was a vampire, vampire Bella, which is completely different, and she was scary, she was a real force.
Peter Facinelli: It's like a whole different person. It was kinda cool. She's grown to be so mature, and confident and strong. Really, it was like dealing with a different person altogether. Like, Bella is usually weak and frail. Not weak. But frail as far, you know, a vampire looking at her, and we always felt the need to protect her, and I didn't feel the need to do that. I felt like this was a woman who could hold her own.
Elizabeth: She could kill us.
Peter: She was stronger than us.
Q: But then was it weird for you? Because one day she would be vampire Bella, and then the next day she'd be back to being human Bella. Because you were filming both films simultaneously? Was that odd?
Nikki Reed: Yeah, and not just human Bella; like human Bella falling...
Elizabeth: apart? (everyone laughs)
Q: And then the next day she was beautiful vampire Bella...
Nikki: That was bizarre.
Elizabeth: Yeah it was weird to see her disfigured like that because it looked so real. It came out great.
Nikki: The last one, Part 1 and 2, that was the only time when my character and Bella actually wanted to interact and have some friendliness and a smile here and there...
TwiSite Comment: Fighting for the same cause.
Nikki: Exactly. The dynamic was very different.
Q: Nikki, you made reference earlier in the panel that you've kind of grown up together on the set, and we asked Mackenzie this, and I thought it would be fun to ask you, especially with Peter and Elizabeth sitting here. What did you learn growing up (on set) from the other actors that you worked with? I feel like this is something where you benefit from each other, I'm sure.
Nikki: Um, I think it would be impossible to go through every single one (actor) and come with the most genuine answer because there's so many people, and certainly from working with these guys sitting next to me, and say, Billy Burke, and Michael Sheen. You guys (gestures to Peter and Elizabeth) have a body of work that I really admire. I mean, I remember seeing (Elizabeth's) Sweet Land and saying "I can't believe she wasn't nominated for an Oscar!" So I think getting to work with people like that, you really try to absorb something from it. I look up to these guys, and they also have a great work ethic as well. I think it's really important when there's a bunch of us working together to have one person who makes sure that nobody falls off the train, you know what I mean? And keep it together and actually keep each other in line too. It's been a journey. I mean, it's been four and a half years, and we've all grown a lot. It's so sad.
Q: And to flip it, is there something that Elizabeth and Peter learned from the younger cast members?
Nikki: I taught her (Elizabeth) how to cook.
Elizabeth: That's true! I never cooked before in my life, and now I actually make rice and some vegetables.
Nikki: She cooked meals for me.
(Elizabeth shakes her head)
Nikki: You did!
Elizabeth: I was not at the level that you were at, but just even that I would go to the store and buy vegetables and actually bring them home and cook them. None of that ever happened until I met Nikki Reed. But truthfully though, in terms of the work I feel like I was stealing from everyone. I mean, I think Nikki has a commitment when she's in a scene, and she brings such an energy into the scene, it is unlike anyone else onscreen. And it's something that is so specific to her. What she did with Rosalie and her creativity, and the way she thinks about the scene and her character, she puts a lot of work into it. And as far as... I'm thinking of the people sitting here, with Peter I'm always listening to the way he talks about these characters, and sort of like stealing his theories, because, again, he's someone who I really admire, and being in a scene with him, you really can't half-ass this, you really have to show up and you do the best job that you can, especially because, like Nikki said, we are a team. And you cannot let your team down.
Peter: I think that age doesn't really matter to me, when you're working with people that are talented you get inspired. Whether they were younger or older, you do look to the people that you work with and they inspire you in different ways. I totally was inspired by the people in this room, and with the other actors that I work with.
Q: So to take it one step further, have you learned anything from your character that surprised you?
Peter: I always say I put a little bit of myself in every character, but I also take a little bit from the
character and I walk away with it after I play it. With Carlisle, I think he taught me a lot of patience.
Elizabeth: That is his superpower.
Peter: No. It's compassion.
TwiSite Comment: Compassion! There you go.
Peter: That's (patience) his secondary superpower.
TwiSite Comment:Peter is schooling us in Twilight today...
Peter: He has a lot of patience. He has a lot of wisdom, and he thinks things through and I've always admired that in him, and even with my own kids, because Carlisle to me is like the perfect father figure. I always looked at him with my kids, and I learned patience with him.
Q: To the fans, your hair from movie to movie to movie, everyone is always really excited to see the changes, and sometimes not so excited to see the changes.
Peter: Why did you look at me? (laughs)
TwiSite Comment: You know the moments the fans get the promo head shots were like "Oh!" Is there a certain movie that made you think "Wow, I look hot!"?
Nikki: No.
(everyone laughs)
Nikki: I had some real moments with Peter about this. I was like, "Just be honest".
Peter: I think you looked good in Eclipse.
Nikki: You did?
Peter: I did.
Nikki: Thanks.
Elizabeth: Yeah, I think that was my favorite wig.
TwiSite Comment: That was the best, when you got to dye. That looked great.
Nikki: I wanted to go with that one and someone else came in and said, “No.” I was a little disappointed, but you always put your faith into the other creative directors there and you believe that they are going to do what’s best. It is really bizarre… I don't know about you guys (to Peter and Elizabeth) but my process as an actor is that I try not to obsess over what I'm going to look like, I mean I do(laughs) but it's not the focal point, you know? That was such a priority I feel like for a lot of us in these movies, it was like "What do we look like?" It’s not always what we should look like or what we think we can look like.
Elizabeth: My approach was to always try to simply it. Less of everything – less hair, less make-up, less lashes, less artifice as much as possible. But it was tricky because I had a wig, then I had to dyed hair, then I had brown hair, then I had really dark hair, then I had some highlights…I still don't know what my hair was supposed to be. I would love to hear what Stephenie Meyer thinks about that. But that's the weird thing about movies, you know? Sometimes it just gets out of control. There's so many people!
Nikki: So many people!
Elizabeth: And the next thing you know...you got a thing on your head.
Peter: It's not your job as an actor... (makes weird hand gestures around his head). There's a hair person - that is their job (everyone laughs). My job is to bring the character to life; their job is to watch out for your hair. So you're in constant battles with that person, because you're, like, "I wanna look good". They're trying to make you look a certain way, and I'm like... at a certain point you have to be like, "Ok, that's their job and you have to let them do their job". There were times when I looked in the mirror and I looked like a cross between a 'Ken doll' and Ronald McDonald.
Nikki: Is that because of what I said that time?
Peter: You might've put that in my mind.
Nikki: But you know what? I think it's fair to say that we switched department heads for hair and make-up for every single film. Which is a really hard thing to do to actors because every time we came in we had a new person with a new vision.
Peter: A new person we had to trust.
Elizabeth: And they had a lot of challenges.
Nikki: Yeah.
Peter:... and they wanted to always fix the one before, you know, or put a new stamp on what they were doing.
Q: Do you have a personal favorite?
Peter: I like the hair in Twilight because that was my hair and I dyed it. If I had to choose wigs, which was 2, 3, 4, 5...
TwiSite Comment: Not 4 or 5 (everyone laughs)
Peter: There were moments in 4 and 5...
TwiSite Comment: What moments? (everyone laughs)
Nikki: This is a sensitive subject for Peter and I because we're the ones that sit down in front of people and had people go like, "God, you guys actually are really good looking!" That's what people say the most about us.
Peter: In Eclipse it wasn't so bad, I mean it was a little short but if I had to pick I guess I would go with Eclipse. I would go with Twilight.
Tomorrow we have our Jackson, Ashley, and Kellan interview to post! Stay tuned...
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