MTV News' Comic-Con Takeover: 'Breaking Dawn' Special
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Comic Con 2012: Entertainment Weekly intervjuar casten
BD Pt 2 Promo bilder + filmcitat
The Denali Coven
Leader: Tanya
Members: Tanya, Kate, Irina, Carmen & Eleazar
Special Powers: Eleazar can sense the type and strength of gifted vampires’ talents. Kate can cause a painful, electric shock-like jolt in anyone she touches.
Relationship to the Cullens: When they met the Cullens, the Denali were already “vegetarian” vampires and bonded with them over this shared lifestyle choice. They have been close friends since and consider each other as extended family.
Relationship to the Volturi: Tanya, Kate, and Irina’s “mother” was executed by the Volturi for creating an Immortal Child. Eleazar was originally a member of the Volturi Guard but left to travel with Carmen, eventually joining up with the Denali sisters.
Full Name: Irina
Status: Vampire
Group: Denali Coven
Date of Birth: 1000s
Date of Transformation: 1000s
“The Cullens are innocent. I take full responsibility for my mistake.”
Full Name: Tanya
Status: Vampire
Group: Denali Coven
Date of Birth: 1000s
Date of Transformation: 1000s
“She’s not immortal.”
Full Name: Katrina
Status: Vampire
Group: Denali Coven
Date of Birth: 1000s
Date of Transformation: 1000s
Special Abilities: Can cause a painful, electric shock-like jolt in anyone she touches
“The Volturi will come for all of us!”
Full Name: Carmen
Status: Vampire
Group: Denali Coven
Date of Birth: 1700s
Date of Transformation: 1700s
“ … I can feel it …”
Full Name: Eleazar
Status: Vampire
Group: Denali Coven
Date of Birth: 1700s
Date of Transformation: 1700s
Special Abilities: Can sense the type and strength of gifted vampires’ talents
“You have a very powerful gift.”
The Egyptian Coven
Leader: Amun
Members: Amun, Kebi, Benjamin & Tia
Special Powers: Benjamin can manipulate the elements – water, earth, air & fire.
Relationship to the Cullens: Carlisle is aware of Amun & Benjamin and goes to Amun to invite them to join in standing against the Volturi threat.
Relationship to the Volturi: As the Volturi were taking over Egypt, as a means of survival Amun and Kebi submitted to the Volturi leaving Amun bitter at being forced to comply with the Volturi’s demands. Amun has since tried to gather his own talented force but Aro has enjoyed toying with Amun by luring gifted individuals away from Amun’s coven and into the Volturi guard.
Status: Vampire
Group: The Egyptian Coven
Date of Birth: Between 1790 and 1800
Date of Transformation: Between 1805 and 1820, at age 15
Special Abilities: Can manipulate the elements – water, earth, air & fire.
“Never get to meet any of Amun’s friends. He likes to keep me hidden.”
Status: Vampire
Group: The Egyptian Coven
Date of Birth: Before 2500 B.C.
Date of Transformation: Unknown
”I can’t help you, Carlisle.”
Status: Vampire
Group: The Egyptian Coven
Date of Birth: Before 2500 B.C.
Date of Transformation: Unknown
Status: Vampire
Group: The Egyptian Coven
Date of Birth: Between 1790 and 1800; three years after Benjamin
Date of Transformation: Five years after Benjamin’s transformation, at age 17
The Amazon Coven
Leader: None.
Members: Senna & Zafrina
Special Powers: Zafrina can make her target see any illusion she wants, or nothing at all.
Relationship to the Cullens: While on a hunting trip to the Amazon in the 1940’s, the Cullens met the Amazons, who were taken by Carlisle’s gentle, friendly manner.
Relationship to the Volturi: Isolated in the wetlands of Brazil, the Amazons are unknown to most vampires, including the Volturi.
Status: Vampire
Group: The Amazon Coven
Date of Birth: Unknown
Date of Transformation: Unknown
Status: Vampire
Group: The Amazon Coven
Date of Birth: Unknown
Date of Transformation: Unknown
Special Abilities: Can make her target see any illusion she wants, or nothing at all.
The Irish Coven Leader: Siobhan
Members: Siobhan, Liam & Maggie Special Powers: Maggie is able to tell if a person is lying.
Relationship to the Cullens: All the members of the Irish coven are old friends of Carlisle. They come to Forks to help their old friend stand against the Volturi threat.
Relationship to the Volturi: The Irish have no previous relationship with the Volturi. During her first century as a vampire, Siobhan met a few Volturi guards and considered approaching the Volturi for official consideration, but ultimately she never did.
Status: Vampire
Group: The Irish Coven
Date of Birth: Around 1490
Date of Transformation: Around 1510, at approximately age 20
”So will we.”
Status: Vampire
Group: The Irish Coven
Date of Birth: Around 1615
Date of Transformation: 1651, at approximately age 36
“No one does rebellion like the Irish.”
Status: Maggie
Group: The Irish Coven
Date of Birth: 1832
Date of Transformation: 1847, at age 15
Special Abilities: Can tell if a person is lying
The Romanian Coven Leader: None – They are the last two of a once great coven.
Members: Stefan & Vladimir
Special Powers: None.
Relationship to the Cullens: Always looking for an opportunity to fight the Volturi, the Romanian’s hear the Cullens are standing up to the Volturi and come to forks in hopes of fighting and overthrowing the Volturi.
Relationship to the Volturi: The Romanian coven ruled the vampire world until the Volturi decimated the coven and took over power. When the Romanians were overthrown, both Stefan & Vladimir lost their mates during the battles. They constantly search for ways to damage the Volturi’s power & take any possible revenge against them. The Volturi periodically send vampires after them, but the Romanian Coven remains on guard against them.
Status: Vampire
Group: The Romanian Coven
Date of Birth: Unknown
Date of Transformation: Before 1000 B.C.
“You’re all fools. The Volturi will never forgive what happened here.”
Status: Vampire
Group: The Romanian Coven
Date of Birth: Unknown
Date of Transformation: Before 1000 B.C.
“We have them on the run. Now is the time to attack!”
// Prietha
Comic Con 2012: EW - Photoshoot
Comic Con 2012: Panelen
Comic Con 2012: Karaktär posters coven

Comic Con 2012: Summits Comic Con party
Mackenzie Foy pratar om Rob och Kristen
Robert, Kristen och Taylor på MTv Comic Con Take over
Bilder av Breaking Daws Part 2s Comic Con panel
Stephenie Meyer, Mackenzie Foy, Taylor Lautner, Robert Pattinson ochristen Stewart på Comic-Con press konferans

SPOILER: Dom första 7 minuter från Breakign Dawn Part 2

She looks down at his hand and then at hers.
Breaking Dawn: Part 2 Merchandise at Comic Con 2012
Comic Con 2012: Caten möter fansen
fredagen den 13:e juli 2012
San Diego Comic Con '12: Casten möter fansen
Comic Con 2012: Fandango intervjuar casten
Comic Con 2012: ClevverTV intervjuar casten
Comic Con 2012: Casten går på röda mattan
Schemat frö Comic Co 2012
Precis som jag bloggade om igår så är det ju återigen dags för San Diego Comic Con. Precis i enlighet med traditionen är också att den senaste Twilightfilmen har sin panel och där tillhörande aktiviteter på torsdagen - det vill säga idag! Här nedan kan ni se schemat som gäller med svenska tider inom parantes. I skrivande stund så är det bara en knapp kvart kvar innan själva panelen börjar, men tyvärr har jag ingen aning om huruvida denna direktsänds via streaming eller inte. Ni får googla!
10:00 AM (19:00) – MTV‘s live show med deltagare från Twilight (pågår i två timmar)
Comic Con presskonferans videos
TAYLOR LAUTNER: We’ve always had that relationship, right?
ROBERT PATTINSON: Yeah, I give him my daughter. I sacrifice my daughter to him.
LAUTNER: That is love.
PATTINSON: That’s true love. Basically, this one is a love story between Edward and Jacob.
LAUTNER: Yeah, the relationship between all three of us is a little bit different. It’s always been this complicated triangle, and now it’s a square. No. It’s become much less complicated.
PATTINSON: Now, it’s a circle.
Is this a bittersweet ending of the franchise? How has your final time together at Comic-Con been?
KRISTEN STEWART: It is funny. If you told me tomorrow that we had to have reshoots of some scenes that they weren’t happy with, I’d be so happy that I’d start vibrating because I do really enjoy playing this role. We got to do it for four years. When you do that, even though it is a bummer to walk away, I look back on it so fondly that I hold it and it’s something I’ll always have. I’m really thankful for that.
STEPHENIE MEYER: Someone asked me about their lives changing and I said that I imagine, on a daily basis, it’s a lot more annoying than positive. It’s pretty annoying every day, right?
STEWART: Sometimes.
PATTINSON: Various things, but not really to do with other people. I hate going to the bathroom! How do you feel personally altered from doing this franchise?
STEWART: You start a project to finish it. It’s this really charged experience that almost is too much, and that’s the only way it ever feels good and right and true. I feel very challenged, even though, if Stephenie [Meyer] suddenly wrote another book, I’d be like, “Okay, let me read it, immediately!” I might just keep that feeling. I know I’ll find that with other experiences. How did it change me? I don’t know. Maybe it affirmed my idea of why I like to do what I do. You don’t always just have to do an indie movie to feel like you’re controlling it with a few people that you really have connected with, creatively. You can do it on a bigger scale. Maybe it’s changed my mind about that. But, as a person, I could not begin to answer that question right now. It’s so loaded.
What were your first impressions of each other, when you met, all those years ago?
MEYER: For me, the first time that I saw them was pretty memorable because I was meeting them for a cast dinner and they were coming from a shoot in costume. So, the first time I met them, they were all dressed up as my imaginary friends and it was one of the most bizarre experiences of my life, but it was so cool to see everybody. I was like, “This is what they look like! It’s real!” I wanted to touch them. It was really, really cool. It was exciting because they all looked awesome and I was really excited to start working with them.
STEWART: I liked [Rob’s] pants. Seriously. It’s so strange. Taylor was a kid when I met him, and after New Moon, he literally wasn’t a kid anymore. Meeting him was very strange. I was like, “Really?!” I fought for it, actually. I knew, with both of them. It’s hard to say in interviews because I can’t define it for myself. Sometimes you meet people and you’re like, “We should make stuff together. We’ll do good. Let’s utilize whatever this energy is, passing between us. Let’s do it!” And I had that with both of them.
What was the one thing you discovered about each other, shooting this last film?
MEYER: It’s hard to find something new, after that long. The one thing that was new for me was seeing Kristen for the first time, as the new Bella. That was amazing! That was a really cool thing to discover about her. Everybody else was just the same, though. LAUTNER: It’s true. We were all boring. Kristen has done such a good job, over this whole franchise, at playing the perfect awkward, clumsy, relatable [girl]. Now she’s, all of a sudden, just transformed herself into this sleek, sexy vampire, and it’s a completely different person. It was very impressive for me to see, and I think the fans are going to be blown away as well. MEYER: Honestly, getting to see Bella so powerful was a dream for me. It was amazing! STEWART: I felt like, “Wow, I’m a sports car. Let’s break it in!” Especially in the book, my favorite part is, “Break her in, man! Let’s see what she can do!”
Rob, how are you similar to your character?
PATTINSON: I’m so excited for this [question]. I don’t know. I can’t tell anymore. I remember meeting [Stephenie] the first time and arguing with [her] tons.
MEYER: He sat there and argued with me about what Edward thinks and feels. It was amazing! It was awesome!
PATTINSON: After you’ve done three movies, you get to a point where there’s a distinctive understanding of it, so you don’t really know where you end and the character begins, after awhile. There are certain things where you don’t know if it’s you thinking. I’ve spent so much time in Vancouver that I’m just like, “Edward wouldn’t do that,” but if someone asks you why, you don’t know why. You’re just like, “‘Cause I wouldn’t do it.”
How would you feel if the Twilight franchise were rebooted?
PATTINSON: I think that would be amazing! I would love to see that!
LAUTNER: That would be interesting, for sure.
PATTINSON: I pity the person who takes over my part. I would destroy them. I would make a campaign against them.
STEWART: What’s really great about this, though, and the reason for turning that last page is what it is. You just have a faith it’s done. I have a very insider’s perspective because I played her, but if anything else happened, I swear to god, please leave them alone! They figured it out. Leave them. By the end of the movie, it’s so abundantly satisfying, sweet and ideal. It just feels good, like it should end. But, I’m down. I’m just saying, I would be open to the idea. I would be really curious to see what it was.
MEYER: It would be really interesting, in 20 years. But, I do pity the person who tries to step into these roles ‘cause that’s going to be really hard. It’s not going to go well for them, I would imagine. This is what is loved. It wouldn’t be the same. It would be interesting, but it would be so hard. That would be the hardest part. Bella’s story is definitely told. It’s final. Back in the day, when I was never going to stop writing about vampires, there was a reason why [Renesme] was created. I was creating a narrator. But, that’s 20 years down the road.
PATTINSON: What about Edward and Bella getting divorced, and it’s a Mr. and Mrs. Smith thing?
MEYER: So, who comes out of that alive? PATTINSON: That’s the whole thing, they can’t die.
STEWART: I could totally rip his head off!
Rob, at the very first Comic-Con, you were visibly shaken by the fan response. How does it compare now?
PATTINSON: The first one was genuinely frightening. I don’t think any of us had experienced a crowd that large. It’s strange. But, then you get used to it surprisingly quickly. It’s weird. You have a persona that develops in front of a bunch of people, and it’s different specifically with fans of Twilight, as well. There’s a mood which comes out. But, I think this is fun. When you have 6,000 people, it’s like one of the big premieres. The one in L.A. has 10,000 people, or something. But, that’s just walking around in a haze with people screaming at you. With this, there is actually some kind of an element that’s a show. There is a back and forth, a little bit, so it’s way more fun. When you turn up to a premiere, it’s like doing a marathon. What will the film add, in terms of drama and emotion, to compliment the books?
MEYER: (Director) Bill Condon is really great with finding human emotion, in the middle of fantastic events. I think he did that brilliantly with the first movie. He really made you feel the human relationships there, and I think that carries through. He did a really excellent job on that.
STEWART: I hope it doesn’t sound really arrogant, but we do really cool things with the ending. I think people possibly already know that, which is a bummer. But, I think Bill was the perfect person to direct the fourth book, even though it’s two movies. Bella is a vampire. Her human aspects are gone now. It’s always been something that’s rooted the story, and I was nervous going into it. Now that she’s a vampire as well, it might just seem a little bit hard to grasp. I was worried about there being something to hold. And he totally did it, I think. With the end, I think [audiences] expect something very emotional that’s a bit of a wrap-up, and I’ve seen it four times now and I’ve cried every time. It’s so cool!
Were there any physical aspects of this film that you found particularly challenging or difficult?
MEYER: Kristen wore a hand brace for a lot of the movie.
STEWART: I have really bad luck with my thumbs. It plagues me, actually. It drives me crazy! Both of them are very oddly shaped. I hurt myself right at the beginning of all my action sequences, so any grimace you see is probably real. Physically, this was more challenging than anything because even the way she walks into a room is different than how I walk into a room. If you think a mile a minute, you’re never going to be indecisive about anything. Everything is very pointed. I got to see everyone else’s versions of their vampires over a really long period. I liked picking and choosing what to use and what not to use. Rounding her out was fun, and physically really, really challenging. I remember going up to Stephenie, on the first day that I had to play a vampire, and I was like, “Steph, how am I going to sound like wind chimes, you jerk?! That’s impossible!” Really, it blew my mind. Stuff like that was a big challenge for me. I had to let go of that because I don’t sound like wind chimes.
After doing all these films, do you have a better insight into what makes this a phenomenon?
MEYER: I don’t. It still surprises me, all the time.
LAUTNER: I think [Stephenie] is just being extremely humble about it. I never can answer that question, but all the credit does go back to the books and the characters that [she] created. That’s where it all started. We’re extremely honored to be in the situation to bring those to life, but the characters in the books are what these fans fell in love with. How they relate to them, I have no idea. But, I do know that’s where it began.
STEWART: I have been obsessed with this thing, and it’s been such a personal experience. There are other people that identify with things that I do, and that shared energy is there. It’s very igniting. It spreads. If you like something and can share it with your friend, suddenly you love it because you share it. It was the love that people became obsessed with, but it just lit.
Since you started with Twilight, how has being labeled as being part of the film affected you? Has it hurt you or helped you with different projects?
STEWART: The access that we all have is ridiculous. It’s the hugest compliment, especially if fans of the book pigeonhole you. Please pigeonhole me! That means I did it right. If somebody who is fanatically obsessed with this book and these movies always says, “It’s weird for me to watch you in other stuff,” that’s great. That’s perfect! That’s a compliment. It’s thrown me into the greatest thing possible. The challenge that we have ahead of us, I couldn’t ask for more. Challenge is my favorite thing in life. Now I’m allowed to challenge myself the way I want to, rather than falling into things.
There was so much hype about the sex scenes in the first part of Breaking Dawn. Will fans get some vampire sex scenes in the second part?
STEWART: We’re supposed to have mind-boggling, otherworldly sex in Breaking Dawn 1. The first one was sweet. It was about discovery and it was so not raunchy. Nothing about this series is raunchy. But, in the second one we just wanted to be like animals. We tried and they told us that it was rated R. Stephenie, can you tell us a little bit about The Host? Have you written the second and third books? Were you trying to achieve the same kind of love triangle with that, as in Twilight?
MEYER: No, actually The Host was totally a palate-cleanser for me. I wanted to do something a little bit different than romantic love. Romantic love is in there, obviously, because I enjoy writing about that and living it a lot. There’s nothing coming out soon in that series, book-wise. As far as The Host movie goes, I’m really, really excited about it. It’s beautiful. I can’t wait for you to see that. Is there one particular personal memory that you’ll take away from this whole experience?
MEYER: I think that one of my favorite memories was the last week of shooting. We were doing the nighttime wedding stuff and we all knew it was done. We were excited because we got to go home and sleep for eight hours a night, and I would get to see my kids more. There was a lot of it that I was ready to be done with, but it was also really sad because you know you’re not going to get to hang out with each other as much anymore. I remember we all sat in the garage because it was the warmest place in a cold house, and everybody was just hanging out. Kristen was in that gorgeous wedding dress and we were all chilling out in camp chairs knowing it was almost over, and enjoying being with each other and knowing it was not going to be like that again. That was really my favorite.
STEWART: I remember that day. Yeah, I would definitely say it’s hard to pick one moment, but shooting the wedding stuff, walking down the aisle in Eclipse, was really heavy stuff.
LAUTNER: I just remember when it started getting closer to the finish of filming and we hit the three-week mark and I kept telling myself, “All right, it’s time to start soaking up every moment because I know that when this finishes I’m going to want to go back in time and do this again.”
STEWART: Yeah, you have to put yourself in your body.
LAUTNER: We were super tired and exhausted. It was a seven month shoot, but I wanted to soak up everything. We probably all did that, but I’m super glad I did that. I do remember every single moment, up until the last day.
STEWART: My last scene with [Taylor] was about a week before I was going to be finished completely, but I didn’t know it was going to be my last scene with him. He was like, “This is it, buddy!” One of my favorite scenes was when we danced together, after the wedding. It was totally good.
PATTINSON: I remember when Peter [Facinelli] stole a bike. That was hilarious! And when we went to Brazil. It was like, “What is happening? We’ve b een doing this for years and now we’re in Brazil, on a boat? What is going on?!”
STEWART: We were like the Kennedys. It felt so weird.
PATTINSON: And then, I crashed the boat afterwards, in front of 5,000 people. That was pretty symbolic of the crazy journey. Me and Kristen were in our swimming trunks and a bikini, with 600 Brazilian army men with machine guns and video cameras, filming it in the rain forest in Brazil. We were making out with each other and pretending to jump off a waterfall.
STEWART: He was trying to not get his white paint on me, and I was trying to not get my brown paint on him. It was just dripping off. It was like, “We’re both really white. No more make-up!”
PATTINSON: It was ridiculous! No, it was fun. The whole thing has just been such an insane experience!
En Comic Con olycka har hänt

I received info from someone who went with her to the hospital that they were rushing across the street, the car turned in front of her, she made eye contact with the driver, she tried to stop to avoid the car, stumbled and fell hitting her head on the pavement. The car didn't hit her.
The media was already here at the convention center so they were on scene at the intersection trying to interview us "are you a friend? tell us about her. did you see the accident?" and trying to interview the poor devastated driver and his family. It was so intrusive.
Yesterday I wasn't happy about the need to come so early to line up and camp out for the panel on Thursday. Now I'm glad I did because I had the opportunity to talk and laugh with Gisella, L & J, because they were sitting next to us in will always be a treasured memory.
This horrible accident has caused all of us in line to bond and be even closer. Lots of tears and hugs and we are planning to honor Gisella in some way tonight or tomorrow.
Please remember her family and friends in your prayers.
Imorgon 12 Juli från 12:45 till 1:45 så komemr Comic Con vara. REdan nu (ochi går) så har fans börjat köa.