Kristen är i Spanien!

Igår (17 maj) så åkte Kristen och resten av castet från Snow White and The Huntsman till Madrid för att promota SWATH och ha en presskonferans. Dagen innan (16 maj) så var hon i Berlin så hon måste ha en riktig jet lag. Stackars flicka :/


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Videon från presskonferansen:


Översättning av tweetsen:

Charlize says she worked with designer Colleen Atwood in her first movie 15 years ago!

Kristen loves that the costumes by Colleen Atwood are so detailed and tell things about the character.

Sam’s wardrobe was more difficult (wear armor) but nevertheless felt comfortable with her ​​wardrobe.

Charlize admits that there is a certain pleasure in see the villains, something that makes them very attractive.

“There is a lot of Ravenna I’ve seen in women I know… I have also met women with Snow White things “-Charlize

Rupert Sanders says he doesn’t discarded the possibility of a trilogy if the film works well… What do you think?

The director says the story of Grimm is still darker than his version of Snow White.

Kristen talks about her definition of beauty, if is not in the heart, is not real.

Charlize finds sexy women how live authentically… And the Kristen Stewart in the world ;)

Have you been tempted to do something more childish with the project? Rupert says there is no darkness without light but he wouldn’t change the tone.

Charlize stand out the importance of setting a tone in the film, and in this case could not sacrifice the tone by introducing comedy.

In fact, Rupert Sanders reminds us that fairy tales are actually darker than what we remember.

Kristen points out that in Snow White is a calm and patience that isn’t now in the “strong women” in films.

Ravenna has a negative relationship with men. Charlize hates movies where the message is “men vs. women”.

Comments about Sam working on several films with Ian McShane… He is one of the dwarves!

Charlize: “Rescuing someone is much more than wake her with a kiss, that’s a wink to the story. This Snow White doesn’t need them to be rescued.

Charlize: “I hope my Oscar wasn’t only because I was ugly…” Ensures that beauty is not everything.

Charlize as a former model, has struggled to break that image but says she doesn’t choose her roles based on the appearance.

Kristen says that as a child she didn’t dream about being Snow White, but She did have an armor.

Ends the press conference, and Charlize takes leave of us with a “Thank you” in Spanish


// Priethja


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