Kellan Lutz säger att han skulle vilja vara med i Hungerspelen

Det ser ut som att Kellan Lutz (Emmett) tycker om Hungerspelen.  Han talade nyligen med E! Online på US Weekly Hot Hollywood fest och hade följande att säga om Hungerspelen:



Is there anyone who isn’t a fan of The Hunger Games?!

Just ask Twilight star Kellan Lutz. The hunky actor says he loves The Hunger Games so much, he’d jump at the chance to be in one of the franchise’s blockbuster films…

“I love the script, I love the movie, everything about it!” Lutz gushed to us last night at Us Weekly‘s Hot Hollywood bash at Greystone Manor in West Hollywood.

Lutz said he’s “always been” a fan of the franchise. “I got hooked reading all those books,” he said. “I remember before they ever started making a movie, I was like, “I would love to be a part of this!’”

Maybe Lutz could snag a part alongside Jennifer LawrenceJosh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth in the Hunger Games sequel Catching Fire? “That’d be really special,” he smiled.

As for the never-ending Twilight-Hunger Games comparisons, Lutz said, “I feel like Twilight‘s kind of more girly and on the romance side and lacks the action and then Hunger Games is very much an action-packed movie that lacks some of the romance.”

“But those stories, it shows that you don’t have to stick to one certain formula,” he said. “If you have these keys ingredients in the caldron it will make a great movie. It’s great that there’s fans for both of them.”



// Prietha



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